"Just Us", Jersey Style
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Lord help you if you become ensnared in New Jersey's corrupt
court system. Although the following story is just one example
in one county, rest assured that stories such as these are not
rare exceptions - they are the rule.--njsucks.net staff
Sam was a man in his 70s, a veteran, who had worked hard his entire life, invented useful technology that benefited many people, built a thriving business, employed workers, and raised a family. Unfortunately along the way as happens in so many cases his marriage ran into trouble. His biggest mistake: doing all this in New Jersey.
To make a long and sad story short, due to numerous long-term problems at home, Sam separated from his wife for quite a few years and they reached an uneasy truce. She lived in the marital home, which Sam retained title to. He lived in an apartment at his factory in Burlington County.
After several years the wife decided that it was time to finally pursue a divorce - and for her to go after "her share" of the business. In the process she and her attorneys destroyed the business that Sam had worked so hard and so long to build. Under extreme pressure, he mentally snapped, "broke into" her house (which was still actually his house), and assaulted her. Fortunately there were no serious or permanent injuries.
No one who knew Sam excused this behavior or believed that he should not be punished for it. It was expected that he would be charged with assault and likely sentenced to undergo psychiatric treatment. Enter the Burlington Country Prosecutor's office. (Which would quickly prove itself to be a Persecutor's office.) Sam quickly found himself charged not just with assault, but with attempted murder, terroristic threats, plus burglary (in a house he owned!) by rabid persecutors more concerned with making a name for themselves than seeing any actual justice being done.
The trial was a farce, presided over by an indifferent judge whose primary interest was his upcoming retirement and lavish pension. Additionally, jurors were mostly concerned with disposing of the case and getting home with winter weather encroaching. This set the stage for what can only be described as a kangaroo court whose primary concern was clearing its schedule.
What transpired was a travesty rife with due process errors and prosecutorial misconduct, the sum total of which unquestionably denied Sam a fair trial under the state and federal constitutions. This led to conviction with a manifestly excessive sentence imposed - 15 years, 3/4 of which would have to be served before being eligible for parole. (This is a harsher sentence than many defendants who actually commit murder receive!)
"The system" (aka the Law Enforcement Growth Industry) will hold on to you like a lamprey once they get their fangs into you. Appeals went nowhere - once one judge lies, the others will usually cover for him. The "Just Us" system is one big happy club, and you're not in it.
So what happened to Sam? He spent most of the rest of his life behind bars in a state gulag. Late in his sentence, Sam came came down with cancer. Only a concerted writing campaign, including media involvement, finally moved the state to treat the disease, which required radical surgery. Post-surgery there was virtually no after-care, Sam was basically left to rot. Even his estranged ex-wife pleaded to have him released. Of course such pleas fell on deaf ears.
In the end Sam, now in his 80s, was finally released after spending 12 years in hell, only to succumb to the effects of the state's medieval-style prison medical treatment less than two years later. A New Jersey style reward for a man who had been productive his entire life.
This writer witnessed all these events for himself, and considers the Burlington County Prosecutor's office to be a wretched hive of scum and villiany, along with their henchmen in the court and prison systems. Although this travesty of justice transpired in Burlington county there is no reason to believe the others are any different. A pox on them all. -- "Jersey Joe"
Submitted by "Jersey Joe" 3/26/2022
Once upon a time, as the saying goes, there was a man. We can call him "Sam".Sam was a man in his 70s, a veteran, who had worked hard his entire life, invented useful technology that benefited many people, built a thriving business, employed workers, and raised a family. Unfortunately along the way as happens in so many cases his marriage ran into trouble. His biggest mistake: doing all this in New Jersey.
To make a long and sad story short, due to numerous long-term problems at home, Sam separated from his wife for quite a few years and they reached an uneasy truce. She lived in the marital home, which Sam retained title to. He lived in an apartment at his factory in Burlington County.
After several years the wife decided that it was time to finally pursue a divorce - and for her to go after "her share" of the business. In the process she and her attorneys destroyed the business that Sam had worked so hard and so long to build. Under extreme pressure, he mentally snapped, "broke into" her house (which was still actually his house), and assaulted her. Fortunately there were no serious or permanent injuries.
No one who knew Sam excused this behavior or believed that he should not be punished for it. It was expected that he would be charged with assault and likely sentenced to undergo psychiatric treatment. Enter the Burlington Country Prosecutor's office. (Which would quickly prove itself to be a Persecutor's office.) Sam quickly found himself charged not just with assault, but with attempted murder, terroristic threats, plus burglary (in a house he owned!) by rabid persecutors more concerned with making a name for themselves than seeing any actual justice being done.
The trial was a farce, presided over by an indifferent judge whose primary interest was his upcoming retirement and lavish pension. Additionally, jurors were mostly concerned with disposing of the case and getting home with winter weather encroaching. This set the stage for what can only be described as a kangaroo court whose primary concern was clearing its schedule.
What transpired was a travesty rife with due process errors and prosecutorial misconduct, the sum total of which unquestionably denied Sam a fair trial under the state and federal constitutions. This led to conviction with a manifestly excessive sentence imposed - 15 years, 3/4 of which would have to be served before being eligible for parole. (This is a harsher sentence than many defendants who actually commit murder receive!)
"The system" (aka the Law Enforcement Growth Industry) will hold on to you like a lamprey once they get their fangs into you. Appeals went nowhere - once one judge lies, the others will usually cover for him. The "Just Us" system is one big happy club, and you're not in it.
So what happened to Sam? He spent most of the rest of his life behind bars in a state gulag. Late in his sentence, Sam came came down with cancer. Only a concerted writing campaign, including media involvement, finally moved the state to treat the disease, which required radical surgery. Post-surgery there was virtually no after-care, Sam was basically left to rot. Even his estranged ex-wife pleaded to have him released. Of course such pleas fell on deaf ears.
In the end Sam, now in his 80s, was finally released after spending 12 years in hell, only to succumb to the effects of the state's medieval-style prison medical treatment less than two years later. A New Jersey style reward for a man who had been productive his entire life.
This writer witnessed all these events for himself, and considers the Burlington County Prosecutor's office to be a wretched hive of scum and villiany, along with their henchmen in the court and prison systems. Although this travesty of justice transpired in Burlington county there is no reason to believe the others are any different. A pox on them all. -- "Jersey Joe"
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