A: The politicians and bureaucrats who run the joint.
New Jersey welcomes you!
Welcome to the amazingly toxic and corrupt state of New Jersey,
a wonderland enjoying some of the highest taxes in the United States.
Enjoy a state government run wild, resembling gangsters
running a protection racket, growing exponentially out of proportion
to the population like a malignant, cancerous tumor and
strangling the life out the state's residents.
Driving while Black? Our notoriously
racist State Police force will entertain you!
So, come on down for the confiscatory
taxation and stay for the arbitrary gang rules imposed
by an out of control bureaucracy determined to micro-manage
every detail of your life. Enjoy your stay
but beware the exit tax! New Jersey's political class wants a
last bite out of your hide as you escape!
New Jersey has suffered under a long string of bad governors, each
one worse than the last...
Gang Rules
The state of New Jersey is infamous for so-called "laws"
that make no sense and are more akin to gang rules imposed
by organized crime than sensible, necessary legislation.
Jerseyites are thus subject to constant harassment by a virtually
endless litany of petty tyrannies.
The following examples are staff picks for their over-reach,
stupidity, and general lack of redeeming qualities...
Submitted for your approval — one Robert J. Finnegan,
Chief of Security
and Safety for the DRPA (Delaware River Port Authority):
in conjunction with his costumed henchmen in the notoriously corrupt and
racist New Jersey State Police, this tyrannical jackass ("the
"J." in "Robert J.") is the driving force behind the Orwellian
scheme of scanning and storing the license plate information of every
vehicle crossing the Delaware River on any of the major bridges. Of
it should come as no surprise that NJ Gang Rules permit and even
encourage engaging in this kind of mass fishing expedition against
the general public, no doubt with the blessings of the Federal Mafia.
What is Mr. Finnegan's justification for this blatant transgression
against the driving public, which is tantamount to stalking? He
crows on local television news the old song and dance about
"fighting crime" with over-reaching surveillance for what he,
in his addled mind, no doubt considers the "greater
good"; in other words the age-old battle cry of the tyrant. What's
next, Mr. Finnegan? Cameras in every home? Demand and record ID
from pedestrians? Keep tabs on every person at all times? How
about forcing Jerseyites to tatoo bar codes on their foreheads? Just
think of all the crime that could be prevented that way!
Doubleplus good!
What a pantload of excrement that yutz is peddling.
The fact of the matter is this is about
further implementing a police state infrastructure to further the
state's stranglehold on its residents.
We at njsucks.net view tyrannical parasites such as Robert
Finnegan with disgust. Of course the Inner Party in George Orwell's
"Nineteen-Eighty Four" would no doubt be proud. How many fingers
are we holding up, Mr. Finnegan? (Hint: it's a single digit.)
The state's gangster politicians have imposed a gang rule making it
illegal for businesses to provide shoppers with disposable
plastic or paper shopping bags beginning in May of 2022.
Instead they insist that shoppers
be forced to purchase their own bags. This little bit of
tyranny is wrong
on many levels. Single-use bags are clean, sanitary, biodegradable,
and recyclable. Permanent bags quickly become dirty and spread
disease - a fact known to the state's gang leaders since they
initially delayed the rollout of this nonsensical diktat in order
to help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
This asinine "law" was sponsored by the following New Jersey
gangsters. Jerseyites should see to it that these hooligans are
voted out of office and their political careers destroyed. If
you encounter them socially they should be shunned. That
goes for all who voted in favor of this travesty:
And of course - the despicable, mindless jerk who signed this garbage
into "law":
We at NJSUCKS.NET will not be complying with this edict.
In partnership with our associates, we will continue to distribute
and utilize single-use bags, disposing
of them after one use and encouraging others to do the same.
The state's politicians and bureaucrats
are welcome to kiss our loathesome spotted behinds.
Dealing with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has always
been about as pleasant as having a tooth extracted. However, at one
time obtaining a NJ driver's license, a necessity of modern life
in the state due to lack of public transit in most areas, was
a fairly simple and straightforward affair.
A meaningless, bureaucratic reaction to the 9/11 terrorist
attacks that took place decades ago, the arbitrary and draconian
requirements imposed do
nothing to improve public safety and merely accomplish making life
even more miserable and complicated for Jerseyites. Wait in line for
hours, prole, only to find that some minor detail in your papers is
not in order and you're being ushered out the door. It's for your
own good, capisce?
Added to this, the state in recent years has been surreptitiously
obtaining facial recognition profiles of all driver's license holders.
(No doubt the same is being done for other forms of state photo ID.)
Without being told why,
Jerseyites find themselves under demand to remove eyeglasses and
not to even smile for their mug shots. A
njsucks.net staffer at an NJMVC office had the truth
admitted to him after making an inquiry, being given a runaround,
and finally waiting for a fax from Trenton confirming the fact.
What will the state do with this sensitive, highly personal data?
Given the corrupt nature of NJ government they will likely
wind up selling it to the highest bidders in order to help fund state
pensions. Given the incompetence
of state officials you can also rest assured that the data will wind
up in the hands of hackers. Such is life in the amazingly corrupt
state of New Jersey.
The New Jersey Department of "Environmental Protection", an agency of
feckless tax-feeding parasites about
as useful as the
Ministry of Silly Walks,
has announced that despite the state's finances already being in the toilet it is going to waste $21 million of your money to
"fight climate change".
"Climate change" of course is a
natural phenomenon"
that we cannot "fight" any more than we can fight the phases of
the moon or the activity cycle of the sun. We can only imagine the
litany of ridiculous and destructive gang rules and confiscatory
taxation that will ensue from
this inane "fight".
Gotta pay those state pensions!
It used to that one of the few perks of living in New Jersey was
lower gasoline prices than other states. However, after decades of
raiding the state highway fund to pay for the pensions and
benefits of the
NJ political class, a whopping 23 cent per gallon increase was
imposed in 2016, ostensibly to provide for road maintenance, with
an automatic increase provision. Thus the gasoline tax
can be increased regularly in perpetuity with politicians
shrugging their shoulders, saying "We can't do anything,
it's an automatic increase!". In fact the tax was raised
in the depths of the Covid pandemic while Jerseyites were
hurting the most. (A temporary, partial rollback did take
place in 2021, but it did not in any way offset past and
future increases.)
Oh, and the roads, which were supposed to be fixed using this
money? As bad as ever, if not worse. There can be no doubt that
one way or another the funds are finding their way into
the pockets of New Jersey's rapacious political class.
Headquartered in the seedy little burgh of Abysmo, NJ,
NJSUCKS.NET is provided as a public service
both by people who have escaped from the horrors
of the State of New Jersey as well as unfortunates
who are still stuck here due to circumstance. Let this be a warning
to those who might be tricked into moving here as well
as an encouragement to those inclined to flee.
If we convince just one Jerseyite to move to greener
pastures or prevent one outsider from being sucked
into the NJ black hole of confiscatory taxation and
out-of-control regulation we consider this a job
well done.
-- The NJSUCKS.NET staff
Contact Us
Your examples of NJ state and local government corruption, tyranny, and idiocy
- as well as general horror stories about life in the state -
are welcomed!